


有很多英语选项可供选择, 这取决于你的个人兴趣和学术目标.


本课程培养大学水平的批判性阅读和写作练习. 学生 will critically read expository, argumentative, and fictional 文本 and develop expository, 有说服力和论证性的学术写作. 作文将展示阅读理解能力, 分析、批判、学术研究和综合. (c - idengl100). 评分仅.

This course builds on literacy practices by developing expository and argumentative writing, awareness of audience, purpose and appropriate and effective use of language, close reading, cogent thinking, 研究 strategies, information literacy, and 文档. 学生 will critically read and write primarily expository and argumentative 文本 that respond to a variety of rhetorical situations and con文本 and incorporate college-level 研究. (C-ID engl100)只评分.

This course concentrates on introducing students to a wealth of representative literary 主要流派的作品. 此外,该课程还培养了必要的基本技能 in literary analysis, namely critical reading, analytical writing, and 研究 methods. Emphasis is placed on investigating and appreciating the cultural, historical, and aesthetic aspects of literary works chosen from at least four of the five literary 类型. (c - idengl120). 评分仅.  

本课程是通过学习介绍创意写作的技巧 并对知名作家和同行作家的作品进行分析. 学生将练习 写作在各种体裁,并将介绍到车间方法. (C-ID病 200). 评分仅.  

This course is an introductory survey to the seminal works, 类型 and eras of the 中世纪早期以来不列颠群岛英语文学的发展 to the Renaissance and 17th century, to conclude with the Augustan literature of the 18世纪. 它是专为学生寻求英国的入门调查 文学,它的人物和运动. 作家包括乔叟,斯宾塞,弥尔顿, 莎士比亚、斯威夫特和其他人. (c - idengl160). 评分仅.  

This course is an introductory survey of British literature's seminal works, 类型, and movements, from the late 18世纪 to contemporary British and post-colonial 文本. 它特别关注浪漫主义时期,维多利亚时代和 modern periods, and promotes understanding of the major works of these periods within 他们的文化和历史背景. 专为学生寻求介绍 to British literature and its key figures, this course should supplement the literary 人文学科学生以及未来的英语专业学生的知识. 作者还包括 布莱克、华兹华斯、柯勒律治、奥斯汀、狄更斯等等. (c - idengl165). 分级 只有.  

This course offers instruction in argumentation and critical writing, critical thinking, analytical evaluation of 文本, 研究 strategies, information literacy, and proper 文档. (c - idengl105).

本课程主要研究美国文学的重要著作. S. 殖民时期的文学 从19世纪下半叶开始. 它将包括 influence of European and other traditions and cultural backgrounds, as well as various political, social, economic, ecological, and geographical influences and implications 支撑、塑造和激励了美国人. 材料将来自各种各样 的类型. (c - idengl130). 评分仅.  

This course will examine the nature and meaning of the narrative structure of film, 特别强调文学主题和元素的. 通过使用虚构的, historical and technical readings, and an examination of a multi-genre range of classic and contemporary films' textual con文本, students will improve their analytical skills, 以及获得书面文字的动态更深入的了解 电影的文学基础. 评分仅.  

本课程主要研究美国文学的重要著作. S. 后半段的文学作品 十九世纪至今. 它将包括欧洲和 other traditions and cultural backgrounds, as well as various political, social, economic, ecological, and geographical influences and implications that have sustained, shaped, 鼓舞了美国人. 材料将来自各种类型. (c - idengl135). 评分仅.  

In this course students will study the contemporary poetry of various cultures, styles 文学运动. 重点放在加深学生的理解上 诗歌的历史和社会背景. 评分仅.  

This course is an introductory survey of selected mythologies, including Greek, Hindu, Chinese, Biblical, Native American/Traditional, Mayan/Toltec/Aztec, European, African, 和其他人. 重点是故事和宗教的文化重要性 围绕神话的仪式的重要性. 本课程将包括阅读材料 来自神话和关于神话的学术著作. 本课程的目标是生产 对神话的功能和力量的理解. 评分仅.

This course introduces students to Shakespeare, his works, and his world through lecture, 阅读、项目和讨论. 本课程分析具有代表性的悲剧, 喜剧、历史和十四行诗. 评分仅.

This course examines representations of "queer" sexuality and identity in films and literary 文本 ranging from turn-of-the-century works that encode homosexuality in an assortment of ways to contemporary works that explore a variety of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally and pansexual (LGBTQ+) 身份. 本课程强调对同性恋的不同看法 and gender that may be found in twentieth-century film and literature, and highlights 自认为是LGBTQ+作者的文章是如何回应和贡献给U的.S. 文化与历史. 评分仅.

Through a variety of short stories, novels and poems dealing with existential themes, this course will help the student explore the literary, psychological, philosophical 以及定义和为自己负责的神学含义 对自我实现的追求. 评分仅.

This course presents a comparative examination of films and literature that reflect 全球文化的丰富性和多样性. 图像,声音和想法来自广泛 国家的选择将是审美探究和理解的基础. Global cultures, as portrayed through film and literature, will be examined in terms 唯一性和普遍性. 评分仅.

本课程是对美国拉丁裔和拉丁裔作家的调查. 这门课 will trace the origin of Latino works to the literature and culture of various Latin 美国的国家,然后它会展示拉丁文学是如何出现的 美国独特的艺术形式. 所有的作品都将在他们的范围内进行研究 历史、政治、社会、性别、经济和地理背景. 分级 只有.

This course will examine a diverse selection of Native American literary 文本 from 从18世纪至今. 重点放在历史和文化上 context as well as on how 文本 authored by Native Americans have contributed to U.S. 文化与历史.

This course is an Honors level introduction to some of the world's great novels, poetry, 戏剧,散文,包括一些我们过去最古老的文本. 主要焦点 会分析来自不同流派、时代和国家的完整作品吗. We will place the 文本 into context, ascertain what they say to the reader, and identify 作者用来传达信息的工具. 简短的文学批评作品 will provide the basis for a wide range of critical approaches such as social, historical, 神话、性别、心理、文化等. 评分仅.

本课程是对20世纪和21世纪重要文学作品的一门荣誉课程 文学作品由代表不同文化的不同作家组成. 短 works of theory will provide the foundations for a postcolonial approach to contemporary 世界文学,但我们的主要重点将是阅读和分析完成 小说尽可能多地从不同的当代文化中暴露一些 the ways that identity, power, law, ethics, economics, and familial structures have been constructed and reconstructed through conflicts within and between these cultures. 评分仅.

本课程培养学生对文学小说作为一种艺术形式的认识 the reading of short works of fiction and writing of exercises and complete stories. Emphasis is placed on the development of essential elements necessary for the writing of fiction and on the workshop format as a method for developing understanding and 小说分析. 为了帮助学生,作业是相互关联的 将他们正在练习的技巧融入难度越来越大的曲子中. 分级 只有.

在指导下研究学生所学专业的某一领域. 任何学生 有兴趣注册一个特殊研究课程,请联系全日制 不迟于最后一天到相应区域的讲师或主席/协调员 在教学的第十周. 51-153小时的独立学习. 学生可以报名 在本课程中最多修3个单元,以完成本课程的全部课程.






