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Student Academic Policies and Procedures

校董会承认,作为巴特-格伦社区学院区的公民, students are free, individually and collectively, to express their interest. Students of the College are afforded certain rights and privileges, in addition to the freedom to learn. However, 这些特权使他们有义务尊重他人的权利和特权, as well as an obligation to abide by rules and regulations set by the College, its various agencies, and its agents.


Butte College Attendance Guidelines



  1. Students can drop themselves through Census Date and may withdraw themselves through the 50% point. This can be done online, in person, or via Telereg.

  2. 如果学生在达到50%分后停止上课,应与他们的导师或辅导员讨论是否有严重和令人信服的理由退学.


教师必须在他们的教学大纲中包括明确的出勤政策(或在线课程的参与政策)和 are required to, in a timely manner, 报告任何学生在学期中任何时候停止上课的最后出勤日期. 最好的做法是报告那些两周以上没有上课或参加学术活动而没有沟通的学生.

  1. 教师通过MyBC的Web Drop入口报告学生已停止上课.

  2. Instructors must provide a last date of attendance – this should be the last time the student:
      1. was physically present
      2. submitted an academic assignment
      3. took an exam or quiz
      4. participated in an interactive tutorial or computer assisted instruction
      5. participated in an online discussion about academic matters
      6. 主动与教师联系,询问与课程相关的学术问题

  3. 对于在线课程,参与是证明出勤的唯一有效手段(logging in to Canvas is insufficient for establishing a last date of attendance– the student must demonstrate that he or she participated in course activity). See details on the Butte College Online Courses page.


Instructors have the option to report a last date of attendance, regardless of whether the student consents, 任何超过教师教学大纲规定的允许缺课次数或未达到在线教师教学大纲规定的参与要求的学生(参见上文“C”点关于在线课程的说明).

When students remove themselves from the course, 学生向现金娱乐网注册和记录报告退学或退学的日期成为最后一次出勤日期.

When instructors report the “last date of attendance,讲师提供的日期(不是报告的日期)将是最后出席的日期.

“FW -失败退学/停止上课”是指学生在课程完成第8周或50%后停止上课, but before the final, making academic evaluation of student performance not viable.

Students will be issued a “NS – No Show,” “DR – Drop,” “W – Withdrawal,或“FW -未能退学/停止上课”,基于记录的最后出勤日期并根据以下时间表:





Serious & Compelling
or FW

Never Attended Primary Day1-Week 2 Week 3-8 Week 9-12 Week 13 - Final
Irregular 1-20% 21-50% 51-75% 76-99%
  *** 9-12周或51% - 75%的提款记录需要有目录中所述的“严重且令人信服的理由”. 这些退学需要教师签名的退学卡提交给现金娱乐网注册和记录. Otherwise, disenrollment during this timeframe will result in an “FW”. 由于严重和令人信服的原因希望退出所有课程的学生应与辅导员预约.
  *** At any point beyond the 75% of a course a student may request a late withdrawal. 学生在咨询中开始这个过程,并且必须提交一份书面声明和延迟退出的理由证明.

(***Note: When the last date attended is submitted via grade roster, it will always result in an “FW”)

9-12周或51% - 75%的提款记录需要有目录中所述的“严重且令人信服的理由”. 这些退学需要教师签名的退学卡提交给现金娱乐网注册和记录. Otherwise, disenrollment during this timeframe will result in an “FW”. 由于严重和令人信服的原因希望退出所有课程的学生应与辅导员预约.

Approved: Academic Senate Meeting 12/04/2013


Butte College Academic Integrity: Student Responsibilities

Academic Integrity

Students and faculty at Butte College are committed to honesty, responsibility, and excellence in teaching and learning, establishing a culture of academic integrity in all aspects of college life.


Academic Dishonesty

Definition of Cheating

作弊是通过不诚实的手段获得或试图获得学术成果的行为, deceptive, or fraudulent means.

Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Copying answers from another person during an exam or on an independent assignment.
  • 在考试中使用未经授权的材料、技术设备或隐瞒信息的.
  • 未经所有相关讲师事先批准,提交一门以上课程的相同作业.
  • Altering or interfering with grading.

Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is representing the work or ideas of someone else as your own. Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Use of the ideas, conclusions, words, or other intellectual property of another without appropriate citation.
  • Turning in someone else's work as your own.
  • 在没有适当引用的情况下,从其他网站复制媒体(尤其是图片)粘贴到自己的论文或网站中.

Responsibilities of Students

Students are obligated to:

  • 对提交的所有学术作品的内容和完整性承担全部责任.
  • 了解和理解作弊和抄袭的定义和学院的政策.
  • Understand individual instructors' expectations regarding research, homework, tests, papers, group work, and use of materials prepared for more than one class.

Consequences of Academic Dishonesty May Include:

  • Receiving a failing grade on the test, paper, or exam.
  • Being placed on disciplinary probation.
  • Being placed on disciplinary suspension.

Student Due Process

  • 学生有权对教师对作弊或抄袭的判定提出上诉.
  • 教务长将促成与教师和学生的会面,或与学生会面,听取学生的申诉.
  • If the determination of cheating is upheld by the instructional dean, the student's disciplinary consequences remain.
  • 如果学生认为作弊的决定对他或她的成绩产生了不公平的影响,如果作弊的决定得到维持,学生也可以对成绩提出质疑.



Butte College Accommodations

Non-Discrimination Policy

巴特-格伦社区学院不允许在其项目和活动中基于种族的歧视或骚扰, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, physical and/or mental disability, medical condition, veteran status, marital status or any other characteristic protected by institutional policy and, state, local or federal law. The College values fairness and equity for all members of the College community. 下列人员已被指定处理有关不歧视政策和第504条歧视的查询:

Curtis Pahlka
Title IX Coordinator
Student Administrative Services (SAS) Building 210

Chris Little
Executive Director-Human Resources
Student Administrative Services (SAS) 344

For further information and resources on notice of non-discrimination.

Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
U.S. Department of Education
50 United Nations Plaza
Mail Box 1200, Room 1545
San Francisco, CA 94102
Telephone: 415-486-5555
FAX: 415-486-5570; TDD: 800-877-8339

Academic Accommodations: Students have the right to request reasonable modifications to college requirements, services, 如果学生的残疾造成了教育限制或阻碍了他们获得这些要求的设施或项目, services, facilities or programs. A student with a disability who will be requesting a modification, accommodation, 或需要使用辅助设备,并负责向指导教师表明自己的身份,指导教师应将学生转介到 Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) office.

学生可以向DSPS办公室咨询或请求有关具体修改的帮助, 住宿或使用辅助设备,并将被要求满足DSPS办公室制定的时间表和程序要求. 

Alternate Media: This publication is available in alternate media. Students with a print disability — 视觉上的限制或阅读上的困难,限制了传统印刷材料的获取 — caused by a learning disability, blindness, disease, medication, or physical condition may request printed materials in an alternate media format, with appropriate documentation of disability. Examples of alternate media formats include: e-text (e.g., text on CD), audiotape, MP3 file, large print, tactile graphics, and Braille.

通过呼叫895-2455[语音]或895-2308 [TTY]或电子邮件联系DSPS替代媒体请求 The DSPS office is open (M/W/TH), 7:30am-4:00pm; (T), 9:00am – 4:00pm; and (F) 8:00am-11:30am.

Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511

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